Egypt, here we come! |
See the statues 走光! AHAHAH |
Retarded! >_<||| |
There's nothing in the box, disappointed! |
I'm having a great time meddling with those thingy as u can see~ *keke |
$2800 grand chair sia, so ex! |
See, told ya |
Dinosaurs, here i come! |
Bite you ! |
Ice cream replica ! |
This is Miki and the GGB man. |
And worst of all, Miki the Crazy Bread Girl . |
No need for tametchi! Haha |
Do we look alike? Hehs~ |
As act cute as i always am :( |
Nyan ~ |
*WARNING: Alot more pictures then u've expected, so, run away if needed! |
They're drink-able ! |
The castle Far Far Away ~~ *dance around* |
Let's go watch some show! |
ta-daa ! Btw, their seats can spray water! Amazing~ |
Lost ur way? Here's a map for ya! |
Naise~~! |
The streets are so pretty at night! |
twist |
CHU ~ |
Wish upon a well . |
Candid! Love this shot~ |
Where Shrek and the female greenie(Fiona?) lives. |
Lovely lights ! |
Random shot. |
Love it's lightning, pink colour des! |
Welcome to the Scientific Era! (Well, this had interest me the least, so, only 1 picture >_<|||) |
Egypt wall couldn't sense a thing! :( |
Let's go for DONKEYS! |
Want a donkey ride? |
Super in love with this water bottle!! Regretted for not buying luh :( hmpfhs |
So, it's called window shopping. |
Hungry, what to eat ne? |
Gigantic lollies ~ & cheerleading dance comes next. |
Marshmellows! <3 |
How come no surprise one?!?!?! :( |
Look, it says Sweetheart Award. AHAHA so buay paiseh~ |
Cam-whore! |
The 'Betty Boop' behind looks like a sticker uh? |
I'm grabbing a popcorn for myself, do you want too? |
Act stupid again LMAO |
Happy max! |
My favourite picture!! LOVELOVELOVE~ |
My achievements!! |
CUTE ! |
Fish-eye-in-motion |
Again, CUTE!!! |
Do i look like some weird character from anime? |
Thanks many many to Alvinz for all of the wonderful pictures above! View his other works too @
link . Really love them alot alot and i'm so so so looking forward to another photoshoot with him!!!~ AHAHAHA i hope you guys weren't scared off by me, serious! (hide my face) Enjoy reading and leave your comments for me too yea! <3 Sayo~
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